Spanish Food Award for Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils. Campaign 2022-2023.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in its work to promote Spanish agri-food products, intends to contribute to promoting the highest quality extra virgin olive oils, as well as to improve its image and position in the market.
Each mill may compete with a sample of extra virgin olive oil obtained from olives harvested in the national territory, from a homogeneous batch of at least 10,000 kg.
Where the oil submitted for the competition is contained in two or more tanks, they shall be sampled together to obtain a single final sample. In all cases, the tanks must be located on the same premises.
In the case of organically produced oils, applicants must provide the current certificate provided for in Article 35 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, issued by the control authority or control body authorised for the control of organic production in their Autonomous Community, to whose control the operator has submitted his organic production activity. In addition, a certificate issued by the control body in question must certify that the extra virgin olive oil submitted for the tender is organically produced, unless the entire production of the mill is organic, in which case the operator’s certificate will suffice.
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