Organic farming in Aragón is structured through the Comité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica (Organic Farming Aragonese Comittee), created by the Order of 20th April 1995 of the Ministry of Farming, Stockbreeding and Mountains of the Regional Government of Aragón (BOA nº 54), nowadays ruled by the Law of 9/2006 of 30th November of Food Quality in Aragón to develop organic farming production systems in the Automous Community territory basing on the EU Rule 2092/1991, abolished by EU Rule nº 834/2007 on organic food production and labelling and developed by other rules.
Aragón Ecológico’s Certification Operators Register
Application and certification documents download for operators.
Control and certification
You can obtain information from certified operators through the following link to TRACES
General Registry of Ecological Operators
You can obtain information from certified operators through the following link to TRACES

Over 1.658 locales producers
100% Organic
When consuming food which have been certified as organic user have the guarantee that it has been produced by means of preservative and/or ground-and-ecosystem-improving techniques to succeed in obtaining food with the highest nutritional and sensorial quality, respecting the environment without using synthesis chemical products. Ground fertility is kept by means of organic and non-polluting fertilizers and waste and the implementation of leguminous plants into a multi-annual crop plan.
Operators 2021
Organic Production
Hectares 2021
Organic current affairs
We want to bring closer the latest news on farming, stockbreeding and agri-food sectors about organic production. We will tell you all the news on the sector from Aragón, Spain and Europe approaching on CAP negotiations and Green Deal.
Seven new organic varietals for Aceites Noguero Somontano.
The new collection that is already on the market and was presented yesterday at the Diocesan Museum affects the seven organic varietals of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (100%) made with...
Spain has consolidated its position as European leader in organic production, with more than 2.6 million hectares, representing more than 20% of the total area in Europe and 10% worldwide.
This progress underlines the country's commitment to the environment and positions Spanish organic products, such as fruit, vegetables, olive oil and wine, among the most valued...
PAC eco-schemes increase the area under cover crops and no-tillage by 1.3 million hectares
Thus, in 2022, before the entry into force of the new CAP, the area covered by the MAPA's Survey of Crop Areas and Yields (ESYRCE) was 1,428,231 hectares under cover crops and...
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