Bioselecta launches ‘Our Land’, an innovative project bringing rural Aragón tastes closer to Zaragoza

The business has taken advantage of the reopening of their shop on Santa Cruz Street to  make ‘Our land’ known, a trade innovation project, supported by Zaragoza Council, aimed at making visible and pointing out the value of quality food produced in Aragón rural areas.  

Bioselecta presented ‘Our land’, a project supported by Zaragoza Council, and that has been created to bring organic, handmade traditional products from the rural areas in Aragón closer to all Zaragoza corners.

Ignacio Meler, one of the corresponsibles for Bioselecta together with Fernando de Inza, presented the new path the company is starting, coinciding with the reopening of the shop on Santa Cruz Street, where, as well as trading the organic canned food they produce with their brand, they will periodically make known producers from the rural areas in Aragón who have made the making of quality products their way of life and the formula to continue living in their territories.

Taking advantage of the reopening of their shop on Santa Cruz Street -they have another one on Estébanes Street, specialised on fresh and cooked organic food- they presented ‘Our Land’, a project aiming at `making known different organic traditional, handmade products and their creators and give customers all the affection they provide when making their products’ Meler stated. ‘We want to give them leading roles by presenting them and allowing them to show and sell their products, difficult to find in Zaragoza and of premium quality in our shop on Santa Cruz Street’, added Fernando de Inza.

As well as reinforcing Bioselecta’s support on digital marketing, with Tradeglobe-Barrabés as technological partner, ‘Our Land’ is a project transferible to other specialised corner shops in different neighbourhoods’. Shops willing to join will have a corner of 100% Aragonese traditional and select products -not to be found in supermarkets and big stores- to make them different and give them higher value.


Giving Aragón

Bioselecta was born in september 2020 with vocation of closeness, but also digital, focusing on complementing their face to face sales with e-commerce of Aragonese high quality products and baskets from the very beginning.  Now with Zaragoza Council’s support, they have renewed their website, making it more appealing and intuitive. With the Aragón origin and quality as the main enticements, the baskets are utterly customizable and, as Meler points out, ‘the best way to give Aragón’.