• The organic sector is one of the most regulated sectors in Europe and, of course, in Aragon and Spain.
  • We believe that accusing an organic product of fraud without solid evidence is irresponsible and potentially damaging to certified organic producers.
  • We at Aragón Ecológico believe that it is essential that public officials refrain from making unfounded claims that could affect the reputation of an EU member state.

Zaragoza, 2-2-24.- From Aragón Ecológico, we would like to refute the statements made by the former French Minister, Ségolène Royal, in which she questions the quality and traceability of Spanish products certified as organic.

The regulation on organic production is unique in the whole of Europe, as from 1 January 2022, Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council will establish the rules for organic production and the labelling of organic products, as well as their marketing, in all Member States, making the organic sector one of the most regulated in Europe and, of course, in Aragon and in Spain.

We believe that accusing an organic product of fraud without solid evidence is irresponsible and potentially damaging to certified organic producers.

The European Union has strict rules for the certification of organic products. Any such allegations must be based on verifiable evidence.

Unless Segolene Royal provides concrete arguments to support her statements, they could be considered defamatory and a criminal offence. We at Aragón Ecológico believe that it is essential that public officials refrain from making unfounded allegations that could damage the reputation of an EU Member State.




Aragón Ecológico