About us

Who are we?
Organic farming in Aragón is structured through the Comité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica (Organic Farming Aragonese Comittee), created by the Order of 20th April 1995 of the Ministry of Farming, Stockbreeding and Mountains of the Regional Government of Aragón (BOA nº 54), nowadays ruled by the Law of 9/2006 of 30th November of Food Quality in Aragón to develop organic farming production systems in the Automous Community territory basing on the EU Rule 2092/1991, abolished by EU Rule nº 834/2007 on organic food production and labelling and developed by other rules.
In 1991 the European Economic Community (EEC) recognised Organic farming as an alternative production to conventional farming, published in the Rule 2092/91 (EEC) with its following rule modifications, armonizing production, manufacturing, labeling and control rules.
In Spain, it was by the Order of 4th of October 1989 that the Rule on Generic Denomination about Organic Farming was created, transferring tasks to every Autonomous Community in 1995.
In the subsequent years to the creation of these organs, there were different steps to help organic farming in its expansion period: setting of a system of aids, recorded in the EU Rule nº 1257/1999 by environmental measurements, abolishing Rule nº 2078/92.
There are in nature neither rewards-nor punishments. There are consequences.
-Bob Ingersoll
As part of their functions, Aragón Ecológico carries out the activities corresponding to a register of operators to work on organic farming in Aragón and those corresponding to a Product Certification Entity, to do so, the following aims are suggested:
1. Registration in the register of producers, manufacturers and importers meeting the Organic Farming Protocol.
3. Training on subjects related to organic agro-food field.
2. Control and certification of agri-food products submitted to the organic farming productions methods.
4. Generic promotion of Aragonese organic farming
Besides, Aragón Ecológico watches over the fact that certified producers, manufacturers and importers keep and meet the conditions on which they based their certification, following the general or specific procedures and criteria applied to each case, previously or subsequently to their registration and certification.
Differential quality figures we work with